February 20, 2008

This picture always makes me smile. This week we are remembering Keith's Dad, Harvey. It's been three years. We miss you Granddad.

The new doors have been installed and Keith and I went out on a date! We saw Definitely, Maybe. It was a cute romantic comedy that meshed perfectly with our mood for the evening. We had a great time talking and strolling around Atlantic Station looking for food. It was a great night!

School is going well. I had myself all psyched up for being done on March 17th. Done that is until next fall. After some thought though, it occurred to me that there were these two other intro classes I could take this year instead of next fall. They are part of the program classes that you can take early if you want to. After much deliberation and talking to some folks at school, I think I will go ahead and take them this spring. It will make my life a little easier later on, and the classes sound like they won’t be too difficult. Intro to Computers I can take online and Intro to Healthcare only meets one day a week. And you learn to do cool stuff like take a pulse, a BP and perform CPR! Let's just say I expect to do well in that one. So I will have a one week break between terms instead of no school till fall. But it may improve my GPA which is always a good idea!

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