January 12, 2008

Here's what happened last year in 2007, just to catch you up.

1. Keith swept me off my feet by taking me on a surprise trip to NYC to celebrate 20 years more or less together.

2. We left a good church for a great church.

3. Keith began a new job, with the exact same commute.

4. I became a student again, and passed algebra!

5. Lydia was baptised, I was proud.

6. Emily won the "Reader of the Year" award at her school.
I was proud again.

7. Finally recovered from the wreck, sued and won.

8. Keith embarked on 48 hour adventure to see
(twice, in 2 different states) Crowded House.

9. The girlies started piano lessons, now the music begins in our home at 6:30 AM each morning.

10. Got a little older, a little grayer and a hopefully a little wiser!

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